Introduction to ASP

1.ASP Architecture
2. ASP Objects
3. Request and Response Structure
4. Forms and Querystring

Web User Controls

1. ViewState Object
2. Cookies
3. Session Management
4. Application State
5. HttpContext
6. Static / Shared Members

First ASP.NET Application

2. Comparison with HTML Form
3. Understand ASPX and Code file relationship
4. Role of ASP.NET Development Server / IIS
5. Event Handling
6. Page.IsPostBack and Control.AutoPostback

Creating a Layout Using Master Pages

1.Creating master pages
2.Accessing a Master Page from Code
3. Nesting Master Pages
4. Master and Content Pages

Web Forms Architecture

1.Understanding Application Pool and AppDomain
2. Page Processing Life Cycle
3. Event Model
4. View State Management
5. Role of App_Code folder

Applying Themes and Styles to Controls

1. Working with CSS
2. Using Themes to Customize a Site
3. Named Skins within a Theme
4. Server-side Styles using Themes
5. Contents of a Theme and Skin
6. Themes and Profiles

Using Web Controls

1. HTML Server Controls
2. Standard ASP.NET Sever Controls
3. ASP.NET Basic Controls

ASP.NET State Management

1. Working with CSS
2. Using Themes to Customize a Site
3. Named Skins within a Theme
4. Server-side Styles using Themes
5. Contents of a Theme and Skin
6. Themes and Profiles

Validation Controls

1.Validation Summary
2. Required Field Validator
3. Compare Validator
4. Range Validator
5. Regular Expression Validator
6. Custom Validator

ASP.NET Web Application

1.Creating Virtual Directories
2. Global.asax & Managing Application Events
3. HttpApplication Instance
4. HTTP Handlers and creating Custom Handler
5. URL Redirection

Page Navigation Options

1. Response.Redirect
2. Server.Transfer
3. Cross Page Postback

Trace Functionality

1.Overview of Tracing
2.Trace Information
3. Page-Level Trace
4. Application-Level Trace
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